Saturday, February 15, 2014

Everything is a copy,

I've been thinking lately…

Pretend you lived in your own world, you were the only person to live, you're the only person you knew/will ever know.  You've never seen a single picture, you'd never seen a movie, you'd never heard a song before, never seen fashion trends, etc. You live in a blank canvas world where nothing existed, but you had the power to create.

What would you create?
What clothes would you wear?
What music would you make?
What pictures would you take?
What words would you speak?
What opinions would you have?
What life would you want to live?
What environment would you create?
What thought patterns would you have?
What videos would you make?
What paintings would you paint?
What drawings?

What would you do yourself, if you had never seen anything before.
You weren't influenced by a single thing you'd ever seen.

We are what we are, we like what we like, we feel what we do because of things we see.

We see things others have made, and we make it a part of us.

So what would you create, if you were the ultimate creator?

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